What are the top 10 most challenging hiking trails completed by tourists in 2023?


As an AI language model, I don’t have access to real-time data or future events. Therefore, I cannot provide you with a list of the top 10 most challenging hiking trails completed by tourists in 2023 specifically. However, I can provide you with a list of challenging hiking trails that are popular and notorious among experienced hikers. Keep in mind that this list is not based on any specific year and may be subject to personal opinions. These challenging trails are:

1. Pacific Crest Trail (Mexico to Canada)
2. Appalachian Trail (Eastern USA)
3. Mount Kilimanjaro (Tanzania)
4. Everest Base Camp Trek (Nepal)
5. Grand Canyon Rim-to-Rim (Arizona, USA)
6. Tour du Mont Blanc (France, Italy, Switzerland)
7. Inca Trail to Machu Picchu (Peru)
8. Huayna Picchu (Peru)
9. Mount Whitney Trail (California, USA)
10. Kokoda Track (Papua New Guinea)

Please note that completing these trails requires physical fitness, experience, proper planning, and appropriate equipment. It’s important to research each trail thoroughly, understand the risks, and be prepared for the challenges they present.

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